1. Houses 1/7 self and spouse- always problems between the two, if
self if happy spouse is not, etc
2. Houses 2/8 more money, the person will not be spiritual, no money,
he will be spiritual
3. Houses 3/9 rolling stone gathers no moss; if someone travels a lot
or keeps moving, fortune will be less, more siblings, less fortune,
have to share with all
4. Houses 4/10 happy at home, no job, successful at job, homefront
5. Houses 5/11 many children, poor parents no gains; very rich
paeople, no children
6 Houses 6/12 lot of diseases, will not go to hospital, no disease
will be scared and visit hospitals for general check up, cirminals
escape prison, innocent person will face imprisonment
Monday, August 18, 2008
Important Rules
Sunday, April 20, 2008
What is Mantra? What is Tantrik Mantras ? What is Vedic Mantras ?
The word mantra has its origins in ‘Man’(Manan)and ‘Tra’(Trana). ‘Trana’ means salvation from the worldly ties, in this manner, from the terms ‘Manan’(EkUkUk) and ‘Trana’(=k.k) evolved the word ‘Mantra’. Constant chanting and meditating on Mantras give rise to Bhakti(devotion)and divine energy. Constant contemplation and meditation of the worshipped deity gives rise to divine energy and results in success in efforts and protection from misfortune because of the intrinsic energy of mantra.
Mantra reaches the worshipped deity in the form of sound vibrations reverberating throughout the atmosphere like radio waves and repetitive chanting of a Mantra gives rise to the development of a divine energy within and bestows unlimited power on the devotee. Various Mantras have the subtle energies of various deities in a basic form. As before sowing a seed we cannot see the tree, fruits and flowers but after we sow that same seed in the soil, it grows into a full-fledged tree and is visible to everyone and this tree also grows fruits and flowers. In the same manner, a Mantra is an external manifestation of the invisible deity within which after continuous care and watering grows fruits and flowers.
There are two kinds of Mantras : -
1. Tantrik Mantras
2. Vedic Mantras
Tantrik mantras are the ones we call ‘Beeja Mantras’ whereas Vedic Mantras are the ones that are followed under the Vedic system.
Every mantra has to be chanted for a definite number of times. Every mantra is a deification of a unique combination of miraculous sound vibrations and divine power of the deity and the deity we worship is the one who bestows its blessings on us and this very frequency of the underlying vibrations in a mantra brings us in communion with the divine deity.
The power of a mantra is greater than even the nuclear power and every person gets results in accordance with his own positive or negative vibrations. Every mantra has been tested and approved by our Rishis and Munis. Mantras should be chanted only with a pure heart and mind and it is only the correct pronounciation of a mantra that gives the desired results.
Mantras are such a meditative science in which only by following the proper method one can get the desired results.
1 | Have complete devotion and faith in the Mantra. Repose your complete faith in the deity being worshipped. |
2 | Keep a peaceful mind. |
3 | While chanting of Mantras never let your mind be distracted.(concentrate deeply) |
4 | Put your complete will power in the chanting of Mantra. |
5 | Never be afraid while the chanting of Mantra. |
6 | Never change your place before your Mantrik meditation is complete. |
7 | Perform Mantrik meditation as laid down in our scriptures. |
8 | From the beginning to the end of the meditational chanting of Mantra do not change incense(Dhoop), lamp(Deepak), asana, beads(Mala) and clothes. |
9 | While the chanting of Mantra keep non-vegetarian food and liquor strictly away from your house. |
10 | After bathing and with complete purity perform the chanting of Mantra. |
11 | Never use Mantra power or attainment for negative purposes. |
While chanting of Mantra all these things should be taken special care of. At the same time, always undertake “Samkalpa” at the starting of the chanting of Mantra and receive its results at the end of the chanting of Mantra.
What is Kemdrum Yoga ?
There is a myth about Kemdrum Yoga. If there is none planet exist in next house or Rashi and previous house or Rashi from that house where moon planet is exist, this combination of planets makes moon very weak and powerless this Yoga called Kemdrum Yoga. In this condition means if Kemdrum Yoga exists in person’s horoscope, whether lord of wealth house is in it’s own house but yet the person would face financial problem in his/her life.
There are many ways to remove the ill effects of Kemdrum Yoga, for example person should wear Moon’s stone Pearl, ritual worship of the Moon (Chandra) etc. There are contradiction regarding above mentioned solutions that whether these solutions will increase or decrease the influence of Moon.
Scientific MatchMaking, Vedic Method of Kundali matching ( Kundli Melapak), Horoscope Matching
In India, we consider two factors of supreme importance while matching horoscopes of the prospective bride and groom for the purpose of marriage: -
- The prospective bride and groom may have a compatible and peaceful relationship after marriage.
- Families of both the prospective bride and groom may have a peaceful and lifelong relationship after marriage.
Usually, it is observed that people consider astrological matchmaking with incredulity when on the other hand medical science has also come up with a new way of matchmaking which suggests matching of blood groups before marriage. The matter of the fact is that most of the astrologers and astrology softwares match horoscopes in a cursory manner by taking into consideration just two factors: -
- Whether both the prospective bride and groom are Manglik or not?
- How much the prospective bride and groom score in guna matching with a score of 18 and above considered favourable for mutual compatibility.
Usually, it is observed that even after astrological matchmaking based on a study of these two factors there are: -
- Misunderstandings and quarrels among husband and wife which sometimes results in divorce as well.
- One of them dies.
- One of them suffers from ill health.
- Couple is childless despite being physically fit.
- Family is unable to progress well.
- Both are indifferent to each other.
If all these problems persist after matchmaking it means match was not undertaken correctly.
Gunas are studied based on 8 astrological factors in the horoscopes of prospective bride and groom.
- Varna
- Vashya
- Tara
- Yoni
- Grahamaitri
- Ganakuta
- Bhakuta
- Nadidosha
All of these 8 astrological factors have been assigned scores: - Varna- 1, Vashya- 2, Tara- 3, Yoni- 4, Grahamaitri- 5, Ganakuta- 6, Bhakuta- 7, Nadidosha- 8. These total upto 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 = 36 Gunas. Out of these, The gunas which match positively are added to the score and the points for any doshas (blemishes) are deducted.
When Mars is placed in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th houses from the Lagna in the horoscopes of prospective bride and groom, it becomes a Manglik horoscope.WHAT IS CHANDRA MANGLIK?
When Mars is placed in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th houses from the Moon in the horoscopes of prospective bride and groom, it becomes a Chandra Manglik horoscope.
Usually it is observed that even when Guna matching shows points greater than 18 upto 36 and Manglik or non-Manglik match is also compatible, couples have mutual differences, suffering in marriage life and they act against each other’s wishes.
How should Manglik matching and Guna matching be carried out so that a prosperous life may be ensured for the prospective bride and groom.
1. Whether both are Manglik or not.
2. If they are Manglik, is there any neutralizing factor as well?
3. Whether Mars has changed positions as per detailed calculations or not?
4. Whether Mars is combust or not.
5. Whether Mars is eclipsed by Rahu or Ketu or not.
6. Whether Mars is debilitated or not.
1. How are both the horoscopes of prospective bride and groom disposed in relation to marriage life? Position of planets in the house of marriage (7th house) and the disposition its lord.
2. If the house of marriage and its lord is not well disposed in both the horoscopes of prospective bride and groom, then they will have a problematic marriage life.
3. How are the combinations for progeny in both the horoscopes of prospective bride and groom. Is there any indication of problem related to progeny?
4. How is the house of fortune disposed in both the horoscopes of prospective bride and groom. Fortune will give progress or not.
5. What is the quotient of anger in both the prospective bride and groom because. If both have lose temper then also situation can go to any extent.
6. If both of then share the same Lagna one of them will prosper and the other one May face difficulties.
7. A host of other combinations also need to be taken in account before finalizing Finalizing the match for marriage.
1. Analyzing character of both the prospective bride and groom.
2. Health of the prospective bride and groom.
3. Whether both have dominating nature.
4. whether one or both of them have combinations for death of spouse or not.
5. Is any emotional involvement possible which can disturb marriage life?
All of these points should be considered by scholars before finalizing any match for the purposes of marriage astrologically.
What is Kalsarpa Yoga ?
Rahu and Ketu are two modes of Moon and they are regarded as full-fledged planets in Astrology. They are considered as most dreaded planets. Rahu is the Dragon’s head and Ketu as Dragon’s tail. Both of them form a malefic yoga, known as Kal-Sarp Yoga. In Astrology, this Yoga is supposed to have direct impact on the following events :
- It causes deterioration of health and reduces longevity.
- It causes imprisonment or serious accident.
- It causes separation, divorce and marital discord.
- It causes poverty and destruction of wealth.
- It causes destruction of business and loss of job.
- It causes destruction of kingdoms and rulers.
- It causes downfall of most powerful persons in politics.
1. Anant Kalsarpa Yoga - If Rahu is in Lagna and Ketu is in seventh house: The person is prone to be target of conspiracies hatched by people supposedly close to him. The person is likely to lose out in matters of courts. Married life would be marred by differences between husband and wife.
2. Kulika Kalsarpa Yoga - If Rahu is in second house and Ketu is in eighth: This combination is not good for the person’s health. Expenses would be more then the income and the financial situation would remain fairly mediocre. He has to struggle a lot in life to achieve something.
3. Vasuki Kalsarpa Yoga - If Rahu is in third house and Ketu is in ninth: The person would have trouble dealing with his brothers and friends. Travel to foreign countries would create problems. The person having this combination in his chart should take precautions in deals by paying extra attention towards legal documentation.
4. Shankapal Kalsarpa Yoga - If Rahu is in fourth house and Ketu is in tenth: The person with this combination would never be satisfied with his financial situation and would always strive for more. The person is prone to troubles relating to immovable property - e.g. land, houses and modes of conveyance - e.g. cars.
5. Padma Kalsarpa Yoga - If Rahu is in fifth house and Ketu is in eleventh: The person would have trouble with children. The person should never try his luck in lottery, share markets, and anything where speculation is involved.
6. Mahapadma Kalsarpa Yoga - If Rahu is in sixth hous eand Ketu is in twelfth: The person would not do well in relationships and would have a very pessimistic view of life.
7. Takshak Kalsarpa Yoga - If Rahu is in seventh house and Ketu is in first: There is a need for the person to be extra careful in matter relating to married life and business partnerships.
8. Karkotik Kalsarpa Yoga - If Rahu is in eighth house and Ketu is in second: The person does not benefit from any paternal property. There would be a lot of trust issues between the person and his friends. This combination is not good for health and Rahu being in eighth house is usually not considered good as it indicates a sudden and violent death.
9. Shankhnaad Kalsarpa Yoga - If Rahu is in ninth house and Ketu is in third: This combination indicates problems from higher authorities, government of the day and local administration in the field of business and commerce.
10. Paatak Kalsarpa Yoga - If Rahu is in tenth house and Ketu is in fourth: Rahu being in tenth house indicates problem in employment and higher authorities whom the person would report to during his/her job.
11. Vishakt Kalsarpa Yoga - If Rahu is in eleventh house and Ketu is in fifth: This combination indicates a lot of problems between the person and his elder brother. The person would also remain away from his native place throughout his life. The person would be prone to problems like heart trouble, insomnia etc.
12. Sheshnag Kalsarpa Yoga - If Rahu is in twelfth house and Ketu is in sixth: The person would be prone to problems from people whom he does not know - mysterious enemies.
Duration of Kal-Sarpn Yoga :
- Rahu in 1st house: upto 27 years of age.
- Rahu in 2nd house: upto 33 years of age.
- Rahu in 3rd house: upto 36 years of age.
- Rahu in 4th house: upto 42 years of age.
- Rahu in 5th house: upto 48 years of age.
- Rahu in 6th house: upto 54 years of age.
The symbol of Librans is the scales. This symbolism depicts very accurately the sign’s need for peace and harmony. Librans are quite likely to endure some distress in order to achieve greater good and tranquility. Many see this as a weakness because Librans tend to give in easily, but during our communication intensive times, people should consider this more as strength as Librans are often balancing force in any organization. Libra is associated with planet Venus.
The astrology sign of Libra is often seen as indecisive. Librans have tendency to avoid taking firm stands on arguments or decisions. Libra is very social astrology sign and in the sense of fulfilling their lives, they need strong relationships. Intellectual side often triumphs over the physical and Librans make great thinkers and artists. They also have lot of physical energy if they can release it in creative way.
Libra is partner dependent astrology sign. Librans need that complementing partner that they can rely on. It is common that Libra goes to great lengths to make any relationship work. They are usually very compassionate and loyal mates but sometimes overly romantic, which can bring some unrealistic expectations to their lives. The ongoing search for balance can flare up in insignificant arguments even everything would be fine. This is to test the equilibrium of the relationship, sort of assurance of continuing stability.
As parents, Librans have to remind themselves of the importance of boundaries and rules. Kids require guidance, especially early in their life, and hesitant Libran parents might hinder the natural development of their kids’ cognitive system by blurring decision-making process.
Libran kids tend to seek others advice while trying to make up their mind. It is important to let them come to their own conclusions without giving them right answers. On the other hand if children appear to have certain talents, parents could encourage their offspring to follow these traits, otherwise talent might be wasted as Libran mind can be unsure between all the options available.
In work life the indecisiveness of Libra can escalate into many problems. Librans might not be the best charismatic managers, because of their strong need to communicate and discuss decisions. However, they thrive in relaxed working environment that has open-minded colleagues.
The best of Librans comes out in fields, which need diplomacy and mediation skills. The worst position is isolated expert position, where Libra can’t connect to others in casual and comfortable way. In any case, Librans should strive for higher positions, as they tend to appreciate all the material good that comes with higher monetary compensation.
Leos are organized, powerful and creative. You will often recognize a Leo from their inner light of self-confidence. They will push forward the things they believe in with enormous vitality.
That powerful urge to create something pushes Leos forward. Leos’ have to learn how to follow their calling otherwise they are in danger to burn out as the heart’s desire is smothered. If Leos learn to follow their calling, they will achieve many things and feel great fulfillment.
Leo is a very strong-minded zodiac sign and there is a danger that Leos become overly dominant in any relationship. Leos also have controversial features as they are quite emotional and can be easily hurt. This is a difficult combination, because the nobler they are the harder they take criticism.
Parents of Leo kids are in trouble, because they have sheer energy in their hands. The challenge that is always there is how to direct that energy into something constructive. Young Leos are also quite likely to develop themselves into bullies and parents should try to keep in mind that their little angel can have totally different face when they are not under watching eyes.
If you are a Leo parent, you should mind yourself to shun away from building too much pressure for your children. Let the kids have some unorganized free time to balance the program that they have in their calendars (if you are a typical Leo, your kids must have lots of hobbies).
Leo is a career sign. They have the ambition, creativity, drive, organizational skills and even emotional traits. They make great leaders and usually pick top places in any organization. It can be quite difficult to work with them, as they tend to go down the know-it-all-road. At workplace, learn to take others into consideration.
Gemini zodiac sign is my absolute favorite despite the fact that I am not Gemini myself. Being Gemini is not about being double faced but being versatile and diverse. Most striking feature of all Gemini are their love to communication, they talk to anything that moves, well, maybe they skip cars etc.
Geminians have minds quick as mercury. Mercury also happens to be the ruling planet for this star sign. In their quickness, Geminians often make hasty decision and they tend to be bit on the superficial side, what comes to their personality. Gemini is quite likely to quick-think ones way out of problems so at times their life can turn into constant quick fixing. Needless to say that all this can result into some issues with their use of time.
It is so easy to fall in love with Gemini. They are lively, intellectual, charming, witty... just deadly for us girls. Too bad they are also very demanding, so it is hard to keep them happy!
Superficiality - possibly the worst trait of Geminians – plays against Gemini kids. These small packages of pure energy get bored very quickly and face the danger of developing patterns of not carrying through the tasks that they start. If parents ignore such traits their kids might turn out to be super-charged serial quitters.
Please, do not get alarmed, I wrote that to agitate some comments only, although there seems to be some truth in Geminians having short attention span. As a parent, Gemini can be quite an ordeal for kids. Many important lessons about rules might go untaught, as the parent is too busy in turning world upside down.
Communication skills make Geminians excellent media and advertising professionals or salespeople. They thrive in changing situations and can get bogged down in repetitive and routine tasks. If Gemini rises high in the corporate ladder, they tend to profile as fast decision makers and charismatic leaders e.g. does Donald Trump ring a bell? Quick thinking and decision-making can bring some unfortunate repercussions but that is just the nature of business, always has been.
Who has heard about Capricorns? For a longest time word Capricorn made me think of Motörhead – the English rock band. They have a song called Capricorn, and as you can read from the lyrics it does touch astrology, here you go:
A thousand nights, I've spent alone,
Solitaire, to the bone,
But I don't mind, I'm my own best friend,
From the beginning, to the end,
My life, my heart, black night, my star,
December's child, the only one,
What I do, is what I've done,
I realize, I get so cold,
When I was young I was already old,
My life, my heart, black night, my star,
I always knew, the only way,
Is never live, beyond today,
They proved me right, they proved me wrong,
But they can never last this long,
My life, my heart, black night, dark star,
Year changes during the moon of Capricorns and that gives extra spice to this zodiac sign. I have always thought that there is something traditionally British in Capricorns’ behavior. Solemn, gloomy but with a sense of humor that is totally off the radar paint the picture of many Capricorns. I would say that their basic characteristics can be found from the line between pessimism and conventionality.
Capricorns are solitaire souls just as the Motörhead song implies. They have difficulties to open themselves up but when you finally establish a connection, it is one that will last. Security is often what Capricorns search for in relationships and they tend to marry or get into relationships accordingly.
Capricorn children look up to their parents and benefit from firm and disciplined childhood. I am not talking about sending them to West Point or any other military school but just normal house rules like candy day and keeping their rooms clean are good base for the future. Never underestimate the power of good manners. As Capricorns are inclined towards conventional behavior they sometimes appear bit rude, good manners save a lot in these situations.
From the point of view of children, parents should remember to take it easy with their drive for success. Capricorn parents should focus on giving love to their kids because there is always the danger that the parent child relationship grows to be very formal.
Conventional traits become their assets in business world. Many tasks need firm command and clear structure. Capricorns can handle complex decision and stress but their weakness in working life resides in their emotional insecurity. In decision-making processes, they can be affected by their need to get the social approval for their actions. Throughout their career they should remember to take small steps, new situations can make the underlying insecurity to surface.
Protective and caring are main characteristics of this zodiac sign. This shows in the way that they protect themselves and their families.
At first glance, Cancerians might strike out as uncompromising and snappy. Once the icy crust melts, you will find out that they are loving, caring, vivid and imaginative. It could be that their vivid imagination makes them more alert for possible dangers. They also have the unfortunate trait to be very moody, often coming down to the pit from the top of the world.
Like it often is, the balance between too much and too little is difficult to maintain. On the other hand, Cancerians are very caring and make wonderful partners, but on the other hand there is the danger that relationships become too smothering, as Cancer is too caring. Cancerians are committed for the partner and the family.
Truth comes out from babies’ mouth or so I hear. Cancerian babies are very much intuitive and you get to hear truths very soon from the day they learn to speak. Moody tunes come like waves of cartoons :) and young Cancers have a unique talent to drive parents crazy.
Family centric approach also shows in Cancerians tendency to collect and hoard everything imaginable. This often leads to messiness and unorganized lifestyle that is centered on physical possessions. Cancers don’t have special need for material security but they want to provide for their loved ones.
Cancer parents are bit too sensitive to firmly lead their children’s lives and that might result into somewhat aimless growing up process for many kids. Parents also tend to follow their kids to their adult life, which might lead into some problems.
Money is very important for Cancerians. It is not the purpose for life, but because they are such hoarders, it is difficult for them to depart money. Their emotional traits often lead them to fields of medicine, teaching and nursing, but they also know how to be shrewd and can hold on their own in more sales and management oriented professions.
Aries is an astrology sign that is very determined and competitive. Their approach towards life is very direct and straightforward. Furthermore people under the sign of Aries tend to have unique skill of setting goals – big and small – and reaching them.
The feeling of achievement is the most motivating aspect in Arians lives. As goal-setters they often are divided between these two traits. Having ambitious goals can mean that they are not able to achieve them or then having to deal with ambiguous goals can frustrate them. Arians tend to be quite selfish people and should pay attention to this in order to avoid confrontations.
Intensity that can be seen in working life is also present in Arians personal relationships. This can present tough challenges for Arians’ partners. Mellow star signs complement Aries the best. However, it is very well possible that Aries has a wonderful relationship with any other astrology sign that keeps on improving over time, because commitment for the relationship helps to achieve happiness. Arians should pay lot of attention to the list of important matters, as they tend to grow over proportionate. It is therefore important for Aries to actively balance between oneself, partner and family, otherwise there is the danger to emphasize one over the others.
Aries as a parent has to balance between themselves and the family. Arians are easy to loose the balance and focus too much on either their personal affairs or the affairs of the family. If focus is on family and kids, Arian parent can set challenging goals for the family that will cause tension. Children might rebel against goal-oriented parent, which can adversely affect the family interaction. On the other hand there is the danger of Arian parent not giving enough consideration for the family as they focus on their personal goals e.g. career.
Arians make wonderful entrepreneurs because of their inner strength and motivation. They should work in pioneer fields where they can fulfill their desire of reaching astonishing achievement. They are strong leaders and have no difficulties in leading others. Problematic in managerial positions are that they tend to ignore communication and dictate decisions.
This star sign is a mixed bag, a sign that is really very difficult to put it into any fixed framework. It is a warm sign but tormented (yes I am over exaggerating here – a lot) drawn to different directions, a fascinating combination of flavors and never dull.
Aquarians make wonderful personalities, great, warm characters, trustworthy friends but distant and independent partners. Very much like Geminians, Aquarians are idealistic, optimistic and unpredictable. Aquarius is an air sign and this shows in Aquarians need for occasional mental and material independence.
It can be a tad difficult to live with an Aquarius as they are very sensitive and can notice any changes in the atmosphere of the relationship. They more often than not will reflect these atmospheric changes and life can be quite a rollercoaster ride at times. However, they often resemble cats in their complete indifference towards others. Aquarians tend to be very independent so it is difficult get close to them and it requires tremendous effort to break through their walls.
Best way to be with an Aquarian is to fall in love with their life, as it is almost impossible to get them to compromise with their lifestyle. Good thing in giving them unconditional love is that they will reciprocate.
Aquarian kids belong to the category of wayward wind surprises. It is difficult to control them and the stricter the limits the harder they rebel. As a parent you should focus more on reasoning because kids are bright and develop faster if given the right tools for independent thinking. Aquarian kids are wonderful gifts for understanding and intellectual parents.
Aquarian parents are in danger of letting their kids run loose. No barriers is as wretched condition as a brick wall full of rules. Aquarian parents should take the advantage of friendships. Kids are able to learn social skills from their friends. Laissez-faire parents should not overlook this notion.
Aquarians thrive in open workplace environment. Their creativeness blossoms and they have space to breath. Because they might suffer in controlled environments they should try to find work on somewhat creative fields and jobs, this will balance possible bumps of being controlled by the work. Communications and non-profit organizations are excellent choices for charitable and vivid Aquarians.
Thick layers of clouds constantly cover Venus as it travels in space as our closest neighbour and hot as a cast-iron frying pan. These features have created quite enigmatic picture for Venus. It is close but yet so far, it shines brightly just behind sun and the moon but has smooth and soft colour. It is no wonder that these qualities make us to connect the planet to women. Why - you ask.
It is difficult to say what came first, the doctrine or the practise. However it is clear now that we have started to map the behaviour of people as a whole that there is some feminine connection between the movements of Venus and our astrology signs.
It used to be so that in history it was mostly men who had the benefit of education, hence they were able to read and write and pass along their views of the world. So in the beginning, it was Romans who started it all. They created Venus – Aphrodite – as the Goddess of love and beauty.
I don’t want to exaggerate the scientific side of this planetary expedition but I have to mention at least this fact. Venus has no magnetic field.
The common explanation why astrology works is that gravitational pull and energy flow of heavenly bodies affect all living creatures and dead objects on earth. This means that Venus would only affect us with gravitational pull. Venus’ effects are therefore different from some other planets or that of the Sun, which is a gigantic source of energy.
Transit of Venus happened previously on 8th of June 2004, Venus passed directly between the Earth and the Sun. One could see it as a black dot over Sun’s disk. It is very rare occasion, and before 2004 it happened in 1882, the next time is in 2012 but after that you must wait until 2117. So prepare yourselves already, if you didn’t see it 2004, it is quite unlikely that you will see it 2117 (sorry to remind you of the flickering nature of life).
Venus is a beneficial planet that is associated with Taurus and Libra (yes, I’m Libra). Venus affects on love, sex, relationships and everything feminine. Positive influence can be seen in that it encourages passion, gentleness, friendliness and social interaction. If negative aspects take over, emotional behaviour is usually experienced so strongly that it becomes a negative force.
Uranus has low density and it belongs to Jovian planets, meaning those planets that are of low density – Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter. Uranus was noticed at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, because technological standards started to improve and telescopes developed in quality. Uranus is cyan in colour because of its methane that absorbs red light.
In Greek mythology, Uranus is the earliest supreme god. He appeared as a son of Gaia and then became her mate. This relationship resulted into birth of Cronus (Saturn).
Uranus rules Aquarius and is associated with sudden and unexpected happenings. It tends to influence so that people become more independent and individualistic. Positive aspects include creativity and energy, but on more negative note, Uranus tends to bring out the selfishness and destructiveness in us.
Uranus belongs to outer planets (far away from earth) and therefore doesn’t have significant influence on us. However it does affect deeply on our natal charts, because it resides about seven years on each zodiac sign. Uranus influences us on longer cycles than its bigger siblings.
Saturn is the second largest planet in our solar system. You probably know Saturn because of its rings – such a beautiful planet! Those rings have massive amount of water by the way. Saturn rotates extremely fast in relation to its size but it takes almost 30 years from the planet to complete its cycle around the Sun. This long cycle is also the basis for a astrological phenomenon called “Saturn Return”.
In Roman mythology, Saturn was a god of harvest. This doesn’t stray too far from Saturn’s present role in astrology. Saturn was also the father of Jupiter. Fittingly Jupiter killed his own father and threw him to ocean (story has more detail, but I try to keep this corner of Internet fairly clean, for those who wonder what actually happened to Jupiter’s body, can think of birds and bees), where the remains of Jupiter started Venus.
Its size gives Saturn a big influence on us. Unlike scientific facts tell us – Saturn being gas planet with density less than water – Saturn belongs to Earth element. This same earthly relation can also be seen in Oriental cultures.
Saturn is also masculine planet. This could come from its state of being oblate spheroid. WHAT? Well, that kind of ball, which is flattened from the top and bottom and rounded from both sides. Think about short strong man with a bulking belly. :)
Although Saturn was associated to harvesting it is not joyous sign. It is very stressful to ponder about weather and other aspects of good harvest. This sign has developed to a mixture of pessimistic traits. It is described to be realistic, sad, cold and restricted. Worries age and Saturn is called “The Bringer of Old Age”. On more positive note, Saturn is associated with planning and thinking ahead, therefore making it a wise sign whenever having influence on zodiac.
Mercury is the hot planet. Closest to the Sun and only Pluto is smaller. Sunny side of Mercury has infernal temperature and the side that is away from Sun can freeze up your diet Pepsi in no time. Mercury can only be seen at twilight both setting and rising, therefore it has been notoriously difficult to observe therefore contributing to Mercury’s planetary image as we see it today. One important geological element in Mercury is that planet is supposed to have large iron core. This in turn creates a strong magnet field around the planet in similar manner as our dear Earth has. From the scientific point of view, this should increase Mercury’s influence on Earth and all of us living here.
Roman mythology sets Mercury as a god of commerce, travel and thievery. Funny how ancient people saw these things so closely related. That is also how I often feel while I’m scouting for winter shoes at jam-packed department store. Anyhow, for Romans, Mercury was a messenger planet.
Mercury has special way to travel across the skies when observed from Earth and because of this, it was mistakenly considered as two different planets. Greeks called it Hermes and Apollo both sons of Zeus. This mythological brotherhood shows how these two planets were considered to be – although being one and same – very much alike. Mercury was called Hermes when it appeared on evening sky and Apollo when it showed itself on morning sky. Finally it didn’t take too long from Greeks so realize that it is the same planet. No wonder that this planet has a mixed bag of expectations on what comes to its astrological effects. One interesting notion to keep in mind is that from Hermes originated Aphrodite, further underlining complex meanings.
Its cultural background sets Mercury as the planet of communication. It is a planet for thinkers and writers, all sort of intellectual creators. Mercury brings intellectual energy in its restless form, encouraging to creativity.
Mercury is a planet for Gemini and Virgo. It assumes the gender of the sign in which it resides so it always has same sort of influence. It is then the job of a chart maker to understand Mercury’s influence in relation to the other celestial bodies.
How many times you have heard the line ”Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.” I have heard it many, many times. I bet so have you. From the point of view of astrology this sentence is very accurate. Venus is soft and feminine and Mars is hard and masculine.
Maybe because of its red colour, Mars has been considered as somewhat aggressive planet. That probably has something to do with the colour of our blood. Today we know the Mars as the planet of God of War. This comes from Roman culture like most of our mythology connected to astrology and stars.
Aggression and energy are closely associated with the planet Mars and together with Jupiter, it has been considered as a negative planet. It brings action into your birth chart and many leaders and every sort of activists have often something to do with Mars.
Unlike the passion of Venus, the passion of Mars is masculine, hot and strong, and the romantic aspects tend to be forgotten as the flame of Mars is blazing. This planet is especially associated with the sign of Aries. Before the discovery of the planet Pluto, Mars was also considered to be the ruling planet of the sign of Scorpio. Oriental cultures regard Mars as the Fire Star planet according to the Five elements (in West we have only four).
Jupiter is the fourth brightest spot on our sky, just behind – Sun, Moon and Venus. Jupiter is the biggest of all planets in our system. This is the most dominating planet in our solar system. Planet spins in enormous speed and consists mostly of gases.
Jupiter is famous of its huge red spot that has been seen since 17th century. Jupiter is similar to Saturn in a sense that because of its huge size it has strong effect on us. Jupiter has also very strong magnetosphere, which further increases its influence. Jupiter has huge moons that can be seen with ordinary consumer telescopes.
Jupiter was the highest god in Roman mythology. Jupiter’s father was Saturn – a god of harvest – and Jupiter started on similar field. As time went by, society changed and so changed the way people saw Jupiter. As so many times before, Roman mythology entangles with Greek mythology, where planet Jupiter was called Zeus that also overthrew his father Cronus (surprise, surprise planet Saturn).
This is the planet that you need on your side, especially if you happen to be a Sagittarius. Jupiter is related with everything that is material wealth. Bit contradictory it also happens to be considered as the ruler or spiritual and intellectual matters. Well, some managers do say that ideas are everything, but then again some say that ideas are cheap execution is everything. Hah, it wouldn’t be easy to be a manager.
Anyway, back to Jupiter, luck and good fortune is often associated with Jupiter. All in all this is one monster planet that just screams for attention. When you do readings, keep especially an eye on Jupiter and Moon. These two are the biggest activators in your chart. Good fortunes of Jupiter last about year, because it takes twelve years for it to cycle. During this cycle it visits every zodiac house for about a year.
What is Nadi Dosha ? What is Naadi Dosh ?
As per Indian Astrology there are three different Nadi/s Adya, Madhya and Antya and they represent "Prakriti" of an individual that is his/her body constitution. As per Ayurveda there are three different Prakriti/s, vz Kaph, Vaat and Peetta. If nadi of the girl and boy is same it is called nadi dosh. [ if both Nadis falling under and same charan, then check Triparva Nadi Chakra for detail calcuation (This table is given in Janmabhoomi Panchang Praveshika) if Nadis falling under and same charan then only it is Called Nadi Dosh, but if it is not fall Nadis falling under and same charan then it is not called Nadi Dosh.]
Nadi dosh is indicative of outward physique, internal metabolism and heriditary factors.there are three Nadis in which a native can born. If compatibility is found with regard to this category, the full 8 points are given. 8 point compatibility based on the Nadi in horoscopes indicates excellent results in this regard.
Nadi Dosha means proposed husband and wife are having same Nadi that is having same Prakriti indicating that they should not consider their marriage favorably because their offspring/ s will be physically weaker. If Nadis of proposed husband and wife are different it is only then marriage is recommended so they may have physically stronger children.
Friday, April 18, 2008
What is Mangal Dosh? What is Manglik Dosha - Manglik Dosh - Kuja Dosha ?
What is Mangal Dosh? What is Manglik Dosha - Manglik Dosh - Kuja Dosha ?
When Marsh is located in any of the houses shown in the horoscope, the horoscope is said to have "Mangal Dosh". i.e. if Marsh is in first house, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house person is having "Mangal Dosh".
Why is it considered as a drawback during marriage?
Marsh affects the 4th, 7th & 8th house from the house in which it is placed. This is called "Mangal Drushti".
Marsh is a planet which is representative of fire, electricity, chemicals, weapons, aggression, high energy, blood, fight, accident etc... Let's see what are the repercussions of Marsh located in these houses. Whichever house it is located or has its drushti, effects of Mangal are experienced in the aspects of life represented by that house.
1) 1st house: if Marsh is placed in the 1st house it will affect 4th, 7th & 8th house in addition to 1st. 1st house represents the personality of the person, hence person may be very short tempered. 4th house represents the house, vehicles of the person, hence there is a possibility of problems associated with house & vehicle e.g. accident due to fire, chemicals, electricity etc...7th house represents the Marital Life, spouse & business in partnership, hence there is a possibility of turbulent married life, spouse may be of very hot tempered nature, loss in partnership etc... 8th house represents death, sudden monetary gains etc... hence there is a possibility of fatal accident to the person. Of course these are very broad guidelines. Many other angles need to be studied like the overall quality of the horoscope, power of the planets, aspects of the planets etc...
2) 4th House: If it is placed in the 4th house it will affect 7th, 10th & 11th house in addition to 4th house. We have seen effects on 4th & 7th house. 10th house represents career, father, sleep etc... hence there is a possibility of frequent changes/disturbances in the career, sleep disorder, issues with father or even early death of father etc... 11th house indicates the monetary gains in life, hence there is a possibility of losses due to accidents, theft etc...
3) 7th House: Marsh in 7th house affects 10th, 1st & 2nd house in addition to 7th. 2nd house is the house that gives the idea about the wealth of the person. It indicates the family of the person & it is also the 8th house from 7th house indicating death of the married life/business in partnership. Hence Marsh drushti on this house can create issues among the family members, there is a less harmony among the members due to short tempered & aggressive behaviors. So also there are chances of loss of money.
4) 8th House: It affects 11th, 2nd & 3rd house. 3rd house represents brothers & sisters of a person, the verbal communication skills, voice of the person, achievements of the person. Hence Marsh might create tensions among siblings, person may be very rude & arrogant in speaking, might hurt others quite often & may suffer more failures than successes.
5) 12th House: Marsh in 12th house affects 3rd, 6th & 7th house. 12th house indicates the spending nature of the person. Hence person may be of over spending nature. 6th house indicates diseases, thefts due to servants, maternal uncle etc...person is likely to have diseases caused due to acidity, hyper tension, blood diseases etc...
Thus you will observer that if the Marsh is troublesome in these houses which affect the married life substantially. Hence horoscope with Mangal Dosh is treated unsuitable.
What precaution is to be taken while checking the position of the Marsh in the horoscope?
* First & foremost the horoscope MUST be "Bhavachalit Kundali" & not the genaral Lagna Kundali.
* It is advisable to consult an expert Astrologer in taking decision in case of Mangal Dosh.
Under what circumstances the "Mangal Dosh" is not considered "Dosh"?
1. If Marsh is "Neech" i.e. in Cancer
2. If Marsh is in the enemy house i.e. in Gemini or Virgo,
3. If Marsh is "Astangat" extinguished i.e. near Sun.
4. If Marsh is in Aries in 1st house
5. If Marsh is in Scorpion in 4th house
6. If Marsh is in Capricorn in 7th house
7. If Marsh is in Leo in 8th house
8. If Marsh is in Sagittarius in 12th house.
Under what circumstances Marsh is treated as Mild?
If Marsh is receiving drushti from any "Shubh" planet i.e. Jupiter, Venus, Moon & Mercury, it is treated to be a mild "Mangal".
What situations in the horoscope of the spouse is treated as matching with the horoscope having "Mangal Dosh"?
If the horoscope of the spouse has any of the following star positions, it is complementary to the person having "Mangal Dosh" & hence the two can be considered to be match for each other.
1. If Saturn is in 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house.
2. If Saturn is affecting 7th house with " 3rd or 10th Drushti" i.e. if Saturn is in 5th or 10th house.
3. If Powerful Jupiter (In Cancer, Sagittarius, Pisces or Vargottam, Uchcha Navamansh or swanavamansh etc...), or Powerful Venus (in Pisces, Taurus or Libra or Vargottam, Uchcha Navamansh, Svanavamansh etc...) is placed in 1st house,
4. If 7th house is affected by Jupiter's 5th or 9th drushti i.e. Jupiter is placed in 3rd or 11th house.
5. If Rahu or Ketu is located in 1st or 7th house.
Importance of Mangal "Marsh" in 21st Century.
* Marsh gives a very high fighting spirit which helps in coming out of difficult situations, dealing with the stress.
* it teaches aggression which is very essential in taking new challenges.
* It gives industrious nature, person having "So called" Mangal Dosh will never be a lazy person. It makes the person very enthusiastic. He or she will always keep himself or herself busy in something or the other constructive.
* Marsh teaches high discipline, good administration & firm decision making. These are all the qualities absolutely necessary for any successful leader.
* Marsh is a gift to a Surgeon, General, Air Marshal, Admiral, President/Prime Minister of a Country, Businessman etc...
What is The Zodiac ?
The zodiac is the belt or band of constellations through which the Sun, Moon, and planets move on their journey across the sky. Astrologers noted these constellations and so attached a particular significance to them. Over time they developed the system of twelve signs of the zodiac, based on twelve of the constellations they considered to be particularly important. Most western astrologers use the tropical zodiac beginning with the sign of Aries at the Northern hemisphere Vernal Equinox always on or around March 21 of each year. Due to a phenomenon called precession of the equinoxes , (whereby the map of the night sky has changed over time), the portion of sky occupied by each of the zodiac signs no longer corresponds to that of the constellations. For this reason some Western astrologers use the Sidereal zodiac which still uses the actual star positions.
What is The Astrological Ages?
As anciently considered, a period of roughly 2150 years during which the point of the Spring Equinox recedes through one sign of the Zodiac of Constellations. Since the constellations have no precise boundaries, the points of beginning and ending are mere approximations.
However, it is an absurdity to date the beginning of the precessional cycle, of presumably 25,800 years, from the particular time in history when it was decided no longer to treat the Equinox as a moving point, but instead to freeze it at 0º Aries. It is probably that midway between the Equinoctial points are the Earth's Nodes, where the plane of its orbit intersects that of the Sun, at an inclination of approx. 50º; but since the Equinoctial Point is now considered as a fixed point and the motion takes place only within its frame of reference, it appears that a study of the circle which the celestial pole describes around the pole of the Ecliptic will be required in order to determine when it passes an East point, to mark the time of beginning of the first of twelve astrological ages of 2150 years each, into which the precessional cycle is subdivided. On this manner of reckoning the Earth might now be in the Capricorn Age, as well as any other. At least there is no justification for us to consider mankind as now in the Aquarian age, even though a recent astronomical treatise speaks of the Signs of the Zodiac as 'now precessed some 25º west of the constellations of the same name'. Historical records show the Equinox as having once began in Taurus, at which time Taurus was considered to be the first Sign of the Zodiac. See 'Precession'.
What is the difference between the Sidereal zodiac and the Tropical zodiac?
The Sidereal zodiac is a physical reality depicting commonly acknowledged pictures made up of groups of stars used by astronomers, Vedic and Sidereal astrologers. The Tropical zodiac is a mathematical construct used by astrologers only.
Most people in the Western Hemisphere think of their astrological signs based on the Tropical zodiac, which is a math only based system of division with the zero point starting at the Vernal Equinox. On March 20, 2004 when the Sun crosses the ecliptic, it’s the first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. New babies born on the following day will be told that they have an Aries Sun sign. And they will Tropically. All the Tropical astrologers will mark out the 12 signs, Aries to Pisces, 30 degrees each, from that point in space.
If you could see where the Sun actually was, you would see it in the 7th degree of the constellation Pisces. Sidereal Astrologers use the physical Zodiac which consists of 12 constellations. So if you were born on March 20 or 21, the Sun is physically in the Sign Pisces, not the constellation Aries.
What does this mean to you? Well, it might explain why you weren’t like all those other “Aries” born at the end of the month. But then again, you could have other planets in Aries that gives you the giddy-up that we associate with Aries. You need to see your birth chart to know how many planets are in each constellation. Look at both and see for yourself which makes more sense to you.
What is Tropical astrology ?
Tropical astrology is a form of astrology that is based on a zodiac whose points of position are the tropics. Tropical astrology is based on the theory that early astrologers distinguished the star signs in accordance with the time of year in which the sun ascends in them. Tropical Astrology is considered as the early astrological division of the heavens. However since then, the whole Zodiac has moved almost a whole sign as a result of the Precession, so whoever was a long time ago born a Libra is now almost certainly born a Virgo – with the characteristics and traits changes that come with it. Tropical Astrology does not take this into account. Tropical Astrology continuously keeps on using the old tables - which have nothing to do with where the planets actually are in the heavens.
Sidereal astrology makes use of the real constellation wherein the sun is positioned at the time of natal as its starting point; tropical astrology makes use of a 30-degree division of the zodiac as its starting point. Tropical astrology is the most widely accepted variety and it appoints its interpretations based on the time of the year, while in general do not take into account the arrangement of the sun and constellations relative to one another. Sidereal astrology is utilized by a minority of astrologers and establishes its interpretations on the constellations near the sun at the time of an individual’s birth.
Sidereal Astrology recognizes the setback in relation with the changing signs, but burrows itself deeper into the irrational; the more sidereal astrologers strive to understand the real division of the heavens, the more they are isolating themselves from the old perception or beliefs. Sidereal astrologers can not claim to assemble on ancient wisdom, other than changing the signs and characteristics over time. In turn, they are creating the entire notion of Astrology illogical. The true astronomical signs are just several days off compared to the Sidereal method by now – which means that even Sidereal Astrology is not making use of the of the precise and accurate star signs.
As acknowledged by a number of astrologers, the information verifies the assumption that there is a relationship connecting the heavenly bodies and human occurrences. There are connections overly harmonious to be mere chance connecting the astrological signs and such matters as characteristic, traits, sentiments and feelings and of course, the destiny or fate of us humans.
What is Sidereal astrology ?
Sidereal astrology is the system of astrology used by some Western and all Jyotish astrologers who base their interpretation around the use of the sidereal zodiac. Its primary feature is that the signs of the zodiac align to the sky constellations of the same name. The signs therefore run between dates which are different from the tropical zodiac used in the West. For example, Aries runs from March 21 to April 20 in the tropical zodiac but extends from April 14 to May 14 in the sidereal (although the precise dates may vary depending on the sidereal system used).
In effect, in most Western astrology the link between sign and sky constellation has been broken, whereas in Sidereal astrology it remains of paramount importance.
It was introduced to the West by the Irish astrologer Cyril Fagan in 1944 and is practiced by a minority of Western astrologers.
What is The moon's nodes ? What is Rahu ? What is Ketu ?
The moon's nodes are important in astrology. The nodes are where the moon's path crosses the ecliptic. The North node marks the place where the moon crosses from South to North (or ascends), while the South node marks where the moon crosses from North to South (or descends). While they are not considered by Western astrologers to be as important a factor as each of the planets, they are thought to mark sensitive areas that are worth taking into account.
- North or ascending Node: The North node tends to be beneficial in its effects, not unlike the planet Jupiter, and a possible source from which to derive some advantage.
- South or descending Node: The South node tends to be somewhat adverse in its effects, not unlike the planet Saturn, and a possible source of the draining of energy from the person. It may indicate effort or even sacrifice is required.
RAHU KETURahu is the North Node and Ketu is the South Node. They are points on the ecliptic where the Moon is in alignment with the Sun and the Earth. They indicate the precise point of the harmony with the three most important influences in our life- the Sun, the Earth and the Moon. This relationship plays an important part in the enfolding of individual consciousness.
Their role as Karmic indicators of our life is connected with their power to cause eclipses. The eclipses occur in the vicinity of Rahu Ketu during the Full Moon and the New Moon. (During New Moon when it is +/- 18 degrees from Rahu Ketu, the Solar eclipse takes place. At the full Moon +/- 11 degrees 15' from the nodal position, the Lunar eclipse takes place.)
Hindu mythology
In Hindu mythology there is a wonderful story that describes how the gods and the demons once formed an alliance to produce a nectar that could give them immortality. This is the story of the churning of the milk-ocean and the descent of Lord Visnu as the Kurma avatara, the divine tortoise. When the nectar that was churned from this ocean was being served to the gods, a demon, disguised as a god, sat between the Sun and the Moon in an attempt to procure the nectar. When he was detected by the Sun and the Moon, Lord Visnu immediately severed his head from his body. Unfortunately, it was not fast enough, for the demon had already tasted a small quantity of the nectar and had become immortal. Ever since, this demon is said to wreak vengeance on the Sun and Moon whenever they come near. The head of this great demon is known as Rahu and his tail is known as Ketu.
In Hindu astrology Rahu and Ketu are known as two invisible planets. They are enemies of the Sun and the Moon, who at certain times of the year (during conjunction or opposition) swallow the Sun or the Moon causing either a solar or a lunar eclipse. In Sanskrit this is known as grahanam or seizing.
What perhaps sounds like a childish story is a powerful metaphor for what actually happens when an eclipse takes place. Rahu and Ketu are the astronomical points in the sky respectively called the north and south lunar nodes.
To the observer on earth, the paths of the sun and the moon appear to be two great circles projected on the celestial sphere (see the diagram). The sun’s path, the solar ecliptic, makes a complete revolution in one year. At the same time, the moon’s circular path is completed in about one month. Every month the moon will overtake the sun which moves more slowly. This is called new moon or in Sanskrit, amavasya. Usually the moon’s path passes above or below the sun’s path and no eclipse occurs. But, periodically the moon overtakes the sun at the place where their paths intersect. This causes the sun or the moon to be hidden from the earth’s view and is thus called a solar or lunar eclipse. These places of intersection are the north and south lunar nodes, or as they are referred to in Hindu mythology, Rahu and Ketu. Therefore, in the symbolic language of mythology, Rahu and Ketu are said to “swallow up” the Sun and the Moon. The ancient Hindu observers of the sky were aware of the cause of the solar and lunar eclipses and so described the process in the language of metaphor.
What is Western sidereal astrology ?
There are two camps of thought among western astrologers about the "starting point", 0 degrees Aries, in the zodiac. Sidereal astrology believes that the starting point is at a particular fixed position in the background of stars, while tropical astrology (which is adopted by the majority of Western astrologers) believes that the starting point is when the position of the Sun against the background of stars coincides with the Northern hemisphere vernal equinox (i.e. when the Sun position against the heavens crosses over from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere) each year. In effect, in most Western astrology the link between the zodiac sign and the sky constellation from which it takes its name has been broken, whereas in Sidereal astrology it remains of paramount importance.
As the Earth spins on its axis, it "wobbles" like a top, causing the vernal equinox to move gradually backwards against the star background, (a phenomenon known as the Precession of the equinoxes) at a rate of about 30 degrees (one Zodiacal sign length) every 2,160 years. Thus the two zodiacs would be aligned only once every 26,000 years and were aligned about 2,000 years ago when the zodiac was originally established.
This phenomenon gives us the conceptual basis for the Age of Aquarius, whose "dawning" coincides with the movement of the vernal equinox across the cusp from Pisces to Aquarius in the star background.
What is Western astrology ?
Western astrology is the system of astrology most popular in Western countries. Western astrology originated in Mesopotamia during the 2nd millennium BC, from where it spread to much of the world. After spreading to Egypt, where further developments occurred, it then arrived into Greek or Hellenistic culture, where the Greek astronomer and astrologer Ptolemy in his work Tetrabiblos laid the foundations of the Western tradition. Western astrology is largely horoscopic, that is, it is largely based on the construction of a horoscope for an exact moment in time, such as a person's birth, in which various cosmic bodies are said to have an influence. In modern Western sun sign astrology, only the location of the Sun is considered.
What is Moon Void of Course ?
A Void-of-Course transit of the moon is a period of time between the last aspect of the Moon while transiting in one sign and the point that the Moon enters the next sign (ingress).
The Moon or any planet is "void of course" when it makes no major Ptolemaic aspects before leaving its sign. Firmicus Maternus refers to the void of course planet as traveling in an aspect vacuum. The five major aspects used to make this judgement are Ptolemy's conjunction, sextile, square, opposition and trine. There will be approximately 13 Void Moon periods per month. The Void can last from a few minutes to several hours, depending on the placements of the planets.
The Void-of-Course (VOC) is similar to a short-lived rest or a recuperation period for the Moon before it starts on its next emotional path into the fresh astrological sign. The Moon’s transit through a sign sets the stage for our feelings. In addition, the aspects that it makes to the planets while transiting a sign tends to put a quick "spotlight" of focus to those feelings.
What is Dark Moon, Lilith, Black Moon and The Black Moon Lilith ?
Dark Moon, Black Moon or Lilith, this hypothetical point in astrology is known by several names. Some argue that the Dark Moon is one thing, Black Moon another and Lilith yet another. The reality is that there is an asteroid named Lilith, but it is not the same as the Dark or Black Moon. However, when used as a point in a birthchart, all three names appear valid as they all seem to describe the same thing.
This point arises due to the Moon's path around the ecliptic forming an axis of the perigee when the moon's orbit is closest to the earth and the apogee when its orbit is furthest from the earth. It is an empty area, a void created, an empty focus. Moving at about 40 degrees a year, the perigee is from where the path of the Dark Moon is calculated. It takes a little under nine years for it to complete its course.
In astrology, the Dark Moon is representative of the darker side of our nature, the negative side. It is the hidden depths that we know exist yet we prefer not to acknowledge. It is subtle on the surface, yet profound beneath. It is the foundations of our personality and the shocking truth that we often deny and project onto others instead. The refusal to see what is really within ourselves. The subtle refusal to see what part we may have played in some unpleasant drama of our lives, how we ourselves have manifested our fears. It is the kind of thing that we intrinsically know we have to deal with, confront the darker side in order to progress unhindered, yet most often we try to ignore. It is the deeper truth that we are forever in search of within ourselves. Probably the best use we can make of the dark moon is to explore our hidden depths, realise that we all have that darker side and go within to resolve that which ultimately hinders us.
The Dark Moon is representative of the negative traits of guilt, shame, hatred, envy, and vengefulness, often brought about by personal wounds and hurts. The true dark side of things we try to hide.
There is another side of the Dark Moon astrologically. Carl G Jung, the famous psychoanalyst described something that he called the "anima". The anima is a man's image of the ideal woman and also the feminine side of his personality. For a woman it is the image of the ideal man and the masculine side of her personality. So the dark moon in a birthchart will represent these ideals too.
It is also representative of the enchantress or the seducer, one who lures another by use of sexuality or devious means. The kind who tempts another by implying that the grass is greener on the other side, that they can "rescue" someone, but it is in reality for their own selfish gain.
The Dark Moon, Lilith, also has associations with motherhood, like her counterpart the Moon. With Lilith however, the instinctive nurturing is replaced by a strong protection of her offspring to the point that she would kill if necessary any that threatened them or caused them harm. She is also reactive against the ties involved with motherhood and the emptiness that mothers sometimes feel by isolation and the perceived lack of individuality that accompanies it.
These things do not only apply to women, they apply to men as well, as the Black Moon is also their feminine side.
What is Blue Moon ?
Blue Moon means if a full moon that rises twice in one month, is called Blue Moon. Due to our calendar days, sometimes the days of the month are less than the cycle of the moon, which is 29.5 days. This can cause the moon to rise twice in one month, near the first and the last days of the same month. It is said that blue moons happen every 33 months or about every 3 years.
A Blue Moon cannot happen in February because the calendar month never has enough days. Furthermore, because the time of a blue moon is not fixed in terms of calendar dates, it can jump around quite a bit. During 1993 a blue moon occurred in either in August or September. If you lived east of the line that runs through the Atlantic Ocean, the blue moon occurred in September, but west of that line it occurred in August.
Upcoming Blue Moon Dates
1999 January & March2001 October & November
2004 July
2007 May
2009 December
2012 August
2015 July
2018 January & March
2020 October
What is Harvest Moon, Wine Moon, the Elk Call Moon and the Singing Moon ?
A harvest moon occurs at a specific time of the year. The moon officially turns full when it reaches the spot opposite to the sun. The harvest moon happens on 13:59 Greenwich time on the Saturday nearest to the fall equinox, which is September 23rd. Once in every three years we get the same full moon in October, but the one in September is called the harvest moon because farmers can continue their harvest late into the night by the light of the full moon. The same moon appears three days in succession, but the one that appears on Saturday is the one that receives this name.
Other names for this moon are the Wine Moon, the Elk Call Moon and the Singing Moon. It received the name of harvest moon because it appears in the Northern Hemisphere at the time of the year that coincides with the harvesting of crops.
What is Moon Phases ? What is Lunar Cycle?
The term "moon cycle" (or "lunar cycle") is referring to the moon's continuous orbit around the earth. As the moon orbits the earth, it's appearance (the "phase") changes and thus gives us an indication of the moon's progress in the cycle (the "age").
The sun always illuminates exactly one-half of the moon, but we see it at different angles as it rotates around the earth. With the naked eye, we can only see the part of the moon that the sun is illuminating. For instance, a crescent moon is when we only see a small portion of the illuminated portion of the moon.
New Moon - Sun conjunct MoonWaxing Crescent - Sun semisextile Moon or Sun semisquare Moon
First Quarter - Sun square Moon
Waxing Gibbous - Sun trine Moon or Sun sesquisquare Moon
Full Moon - Sun opposition Moon
Waning Gibbous - Sun trine Moon or Sun sesquisquare Moon
Third Quarter - Sun square Moon
Waning Crescent - Sun semisextile Moon or Sun semisquare Moon
What is my Moon sign?
Moon sign depends on the date, time of birth and birth place (longitude and latitude) where and when you were born so you have to know these three things to know your Moon sign. The Moon moves through the 30 degrees of each sign in about 2-1/2 to 3 days. Its a Vedic Astrology System or Nirayan Astrology.
What is my Sun Sign ? What is my Zodiac Sign ?
The zodiac signs are also referred to as sun signs. A person’s zodiac sign is calculated and determined by his or her date of birth. The year is divided and studied by enthusiasts into twelve such zodiac signs and people under each are observed to have unique and distinct traits and tendencies. Zodiac sign descriptions are used to get accurate and a thorough understanding of each zodiac sign.
Many people wonder what is somebody’s astrology sign. Most of the time we know ours, but who is industrious enough to memorize the dates of every astrology sign? Here is a simple quick list for you to check the dates - starting from the beginning of the calendar year:
22 December – 20 January Capricorn
21 January – 18 February Aquarius
19 February – 20 March Pisces
21 March – 20 April Aries
21 April – 21 May Taurus
22 May – 21 June Gemini
22 June – 22 July Cancer
23 July – 23 August Leo
24 August – 22 September Virgo
23 September – 23 October Libra (this is me and many others)
24 October – 22 November Scorpio
23 November – 21 December Sagittarius
What is Vedic Astrology?
Vedic astrology is the traditional system of astrology of India that is at least 4000 years old. It is also known as Jyotish, Indian astrology, Eastern astrology, or Hindu astrology. It has recently gained popularity in the West because of its accuracy in predicting events and major trends in our lives. Vedic astrology is an excellent tool for helping us understand our dharma or life purpose as well as for giving us specific timetables for making decisions about career, finances, relationship, health, spiritual growth, etc. It is based on the sidereal zodiac which calculates the positions of the planets according to observable astronomy.
Ancient Vedic astrology is based on the sidereal or visible zodiac, accounting for the shift of the equinoxes by a correction called ayanamsa. The difference between the Vedic and the Western zodiacs is currently around 24 degrees. This corresponds to a separation of c. 1700 years, when the vernal equinox was approximately at the center of the constellation Pisces and the tropical zodiac coincided with the sidereal one. The separation likely took place in the centuries following Ptolemy, apparently going back to Indo-Greek transmission of the system. The ayanamsa correction has always been made in Vedic astrology, whose existence spans around five thousand years.
What is Astrology ? History of Astrology ? World Astrology
Astrology, a system based on the belief that events on Earth are represented by the positions and movements of astronomical bodies, particularly the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars. The word "astrology" derives from the Greek astron (star) and logos (word, study). Astrologers maintain that the position of astronomical bodies at the exact moment of a person’s birth and the subsequent movements of the bodies reflect that person’s character and, therefore, destiny. The celestial patterns are interpreted so as to understand, plan, or predict events on Earth. They are deemed to be associated with the characteristics of individuals. Astrologers use charts known as horoscopes, which map the position of astronomical bodies at certain times, and are based on the signs of the Zodiac; these are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.
Astrology is one of the oldest known forms of study and its continuous history can be traced back over 4,000 years to the ancient Middle East. The astrology used in India and the West share common origins, but most cultures have developed their own forms of mystical cosmology, and at least two, China (by 2000 BC)and the Mayan and Aztec cultures of central America, also developed complex systems of astrology. These people may have observed that the movements of certain astronomical bodies, particularly the Sun, affected the change of seasons and the success of crop harvests. It was astrology, and the hope of predicting the future, that led to systematic study of the heavens, and to the development of the science of astronomy—as alchemy led to chemistry. SeeArchaeoastronomy. Astrology’s current popularity dates from the late 19th century, and the invention of the distinctive twelve-sign newspaper horoscope column in 1930 made it an entrenched part of modern mass media and popular culture. II A HISTORY Middle-Eastern Origins Astrology can be traced back to the earliest literate urban civilization in Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) before 2000 15000 BC, although its origins may date from earlier attempts to create calendars in order to regulate civil and religious life or to divine the future. Deer antler markings dating from BC may indicate lunar phases, while the earliest post holes at Stonehenge in southern BC. England are dated to 8000 Little is known about what kind of astrology may have been practised by Neolithic people, or by later peoples who left no written records, such as the Celts. The first complete surviving astrological text is the Venus Tablet, a collection of omens on the planet Venus compiled in the reign of the Babylonian king Amisaduqa, around 1650 BC.
A thousand years later the Assyrian emperor Ashurbanipal collected all the known astrological tablets together in a single collection, the Enuma Anu Enlil. Originally all astrology seems to have been devoted to the king and the state, and the astrologer’s task was to offer political advice. The first known individual birth chart dates from the Persian period, 410 BC. Developments in Egypt followed a different course and it has been argued that, as the inhabitants of the Nile delta lived in a relatively secure environment, they felt little need to forecast the future and therefore did not require a complicated predictive astrology. Instead, they evolved an elaborate astral theology in which the Sun was the symbol of the supreme creator god Amon or, in earlier times creator goddesses such as Sekhmet or Hathor. The constellation Orion represented the god Osiris, of whom the Pharaoh was regarded as an incarnation, while the star Sirius represented his consort, Isis.
The great monuments of Egyptian history tend to be aligned with the Sun or stars. The Great Pyramid (c. 2600 BC), for example, was aligned with Sirius and Orion. B Ancient Greece The classical Greeks devised the philosophical and technical basis of the astrology still in use today. The Athenian philosopher Plato (c. 428-347 BC) argued that the entire universe was divine and originated the concept of the Greeks had developed whose could be seen as an image of God, who placed the planets in the sky in order that his nature, ideas, and intentions might be understood. Aristotle (c. 384-322 BC) celestial causes and influences, although he believed that the planets were “secondary causes” responsible for transmitting God’s will to humanity. By the 1st century BC the horoscope of 12 zodiacal signs, 12 houses, 7 planets, and 5 major aspects that is the basis of modern horoscope interpretation. The principal figure was Claudius Ptolemy (c. 120 standard text in medieval and Renaissance Europe. AD), Tetrabiblos summarized much of the astrological teaching of the time and was to become a C India Astrology is known in India as Jyotish and was originally used to fix the most auspicious dates for the performance of religious rituals and the regulation of the sacred calendar prior to 2000 Greek world which, under the conquests of Alexander the Great (356-323 to the Indus valley. BC. However, the bulk of technical Indian astrology appears to have been imported from the Hellenized BC), extended eastwards D Roman Empire BC Astrology became a standard part of life in the Roman Empire from the 1st to 4th centuries and was used extensively by the emperors, who came to regard themselves as incarnations of the Sun God: the main festival of the cult of Sol Invictus, the reborn and unconquered Sun, was December 25. Astrology was also central to the Mithraicreligion, which was popular among the Roman legions, and in which the planets, as spiritual entities, were seen as a path to God and spiritual enlightenment. E Christianity and Islam The ambivalence towards astrology evident in the Old Testament, combined with its associations with paganism in the Roman Empire, led to hostility from many Christians, notably St Augustine (354-430), who attacked it in his Confessions. Christians were particularly concerned that astrological determinism conflicted with the individual’s freedom to choose between right and wrong or to seek salvation. This, combined with the collapse of the Roman Empire in western Europe in 476, moved the focus of attention east to India and Persia. From here astrology was rediscovered by the Arabs after their conquest of the Middle East. European scholars began to relearn astrology from the Islamic world in the late 10th century, and by the 12th century it was a central part of the new world view, studied at university as a single subject with astronomy. Thomas Aquinas (c. 1225-1274) reconciled astrology with Christianity by arguing that while the soul, and hence the individual’s freedom to make moral choices, was responsible to God, their physical needs and passions, and hence matters of war and peace, disease, or economics were also influenced by the stars. As long as astrologers respected the primacy of Christian theology and ecclesiastical power, the subject was an accepted part of natural philosophy. In the absence of developed science, technology, and medicine, it was seen as an essential part of medical diagnosis and treatment, an aid to political power used by kings and popes, a topic for philosophical speculation, a means to arrange marriages or make money, and a tool for forecasting the future. F The Scientific Revolution By the late 17th century, European astrology had lost its intellectual respectability. It has been argued that this was due to the scientific and astronomical discoveries of Galileo, Isaac Newton, and Nicolaus Copernicus, which showed that the Sun was the centre of the solar system, and that other aspects of the solar system were not arranged as previously thought. These discoveries, along with the growth of materialism and the scientific method, led to the rejection of astrology by many Western scientists and philosophers. Another argument is that astrology suffered from its association with radical and popular political movements that sprang up in the early 17th century. G Nineteenth-Century Revival The revival of interest in astrology began at the end of the 18th century in England, and benefited from parallel developments such as the spread of spiritualism and discovery of eastern religions. The most notable figure was Alan Leo (1860-1917), a British astrologer who wrote extensively. Leo began the shift of psychological astrology away from the delineation of fixed personality characteristics defined at birth towards a dynamic system in which the individual can grow and develop. He popularized the aphorism “character is destiny”, arguing that astrological prediction was dependent on the individual’s personality and behaviour. The psychologist Carl Jung studied astrology and discussed it throughout his published writings, thereby contributing to the evolution of a humanistic astrology based heavily on psychoanalysis, and to the emergence of professional astrologers who work primarily as psychological counsellors. H Eastern Astrology Astrology remains an integral part of religious and social life in India, particularly in arranged marriages. However, it is used to time and forecast events with greater precision than in the West, and uses a sidereal, or star-based, zodiac based on slightly different coordinates. Chinese astrology is as complex as its Western and Indian counterparts and is closely connected to traditional medicine and feng shui, the alignment of buildings with the natural environment. It has a system of 12 “year rulers”: these are the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Hare or Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Horse, Dog, and Pig. There are 10 Heavenly Stems and 12 Earthly Branches. Together these make a 60-year cycle. The lunar month, day, and hour of birth are also taken into consideration in a Chinese horoscope. There are character types associated with elements (such as wood and air). There are also “mansions” (Chinese, gong) into which people are born. Charts of the 60-year cycle are produced in Hong Kong and other parts of the Chinese world. III ASTROLOGICAL TECHNIQUES Traditionally, astrology was divided into two branches: natural, which dealt with planetary influences, and judicial, in which the astrologer’s interpretation was crucial. Judicial astrology has four sub-branches: natal (the casting of charts for individuals); horary (the answering of specific questions); electional (the timing of events); and mundane (the study of history and politics). A The Zodiac Most Western astrology relies on the tropical zodiac, the division of the ecliptic (the Sun’s annual path through the sky as seen from the Earth) into twelve equal divisions, beginning with the “Aries point”, the Sun’s location on the spring equinox (the autumn equinox in the southern hemisphere), usually March 21. B Horoscopes A horoscope is set for the time of the event to be studied. The sign rising over the eastern horizon is known as the Rising Sign or Ascendant and is the basis of the twelve houses that represent different areas of life. The ten planets—the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto—are then placed in the houses and signs. Their location and aspects (the distances between them, seen from the Earth) then provide the basis for interpretation. The signs, houses, planets, and aspects are generally seen as symbols that can be used to describe personality and anticipate future trends. Few astrologers believe that the planets exert a causal influence. More common is Jung’s concept of synchronicity (meaningful coincidence), in which celestial patterns coincide with events on earth at significant moments. A similar classical concept is that the heavens and earth are inextricably linked, and therefore any movement in the former corresponds to change in the latter. C Science and Astrology Traditionally, astrology and astronomy were viewed as complementary sciences. However, astrology is no longer regarded as a science by many, because its claims are almost impossible to test empirically in controlled laboratory conditions, and it can not meet the scientific need for reproducibility. It is argued that it can therefore be neither proved nor disproved. However, there have been a number of attempts to prove statistically astrological claims about personality. The most notable was the research by the French statistician Michel Gauquelin (19281991) in collaboration with his wife Françoise. Using vast banks of data on the birth charts of individuals successful in various fields, he claimed his studies showed that certain planets correlate statistically to outstanding professional success when they are either rising over the eastern horizon at birth or culminating overhead. The most significant was the “Mars effect”, linking the position of Mars at birth to sporting success. The Mars Effect remains the subject of academic argument and is not supported by most scientists. Scientific opinion in general sees astrology as a means of satisfying psychological needs and, as a practice, as lacking any objective basis. They point to the “Barnum effect”, which claims most people agree with most statements made about them as long as they are sufficiently general. Such criticism has, however, had only a marginal effect on astrology’s spread, and most western countries have astrological societies and schools that train professionals. Astrology has also become increasingly popular in former communist countries, particularly Russia.