शेयर मार्केट में लाभ और हानि के ग्रह योग -
ज्योतिष के अनुसार जिन लोगों को राहु अनुकूल चल रहा होता है या जिन पर राहु की महादशा होती है, उन्हीं को इन धंधों से लाभ होता है। राहु के साथ साथ ही कुण्डली में मौजूद धनेश-एकादशेश, लग्नेश, चतुर्थेश, पंचमेश, भाग्येश यानि नवमेश की स्थिति भी मजबूत हो, तो ही व्यक्ति इन धंधों से जिंदगी भर कमा सकता है, फिर चाहे उस आदमी को सट्टे, लॉटरी या शेयर मार्केट की ए बी सी डी भी मालूम न हो।
यदि लग्नेश, नवमेश, दशमेश, एकादशेश अथवा चतुर्थेश व पंचमेश की दशा-अंतरदशा चल रही हो, संबंधित स्वामी ग्रहों की स्थिति मजबूत हो, ग्रह उच्च के हों, गोचर भी अनुकूल हो, शनि की साढ़ेसाती या ढैया की स्थिति न हो, क्रूर व पापी ग्रहों का संयोग न उपस्थित हो या फिर चंद्रमा बली हो तो ऐसी कुण्डली वाले लोग सट्टा, लाटरी, शेयर मार्केट, जुए आदि में बहुत जल्दी अथाह धन कमाने में सफल रहते हैं। इसके अलावा यदि जातक की जन्म कुण्डली में अष्टम भाव बेहद मजबूत हो तो भी सट्टा, लाटरी, शेयर आदि में अच्छा लाभ कमाने का योग बनता है। यही नहीं जिसकी कुंडली में अष्टम भाव मजबूत होता है तो वह विरासती संपत्ति में जमीन-जायदाद भी प्राप्त करता है।
यदि इनमें से एक भी चीज प्रतिकूल हो या अकेला राहू ही आपकी कुंडली में उल्टा चल रहा है तो फिर बड़े से बड़ा मार्केट विशेषज्ञ भी पैसा नहीं कमा सकता। इतना अवश्य है कि वह अपने ज्ञान से दूसरों को कमा कर दे सकता है, परन्तु खुद नहीं कमा पाएगा। इसीलिए शेयर मार्केट या कमोडिटी बाजार में पैसा इन्वेस्ट करने से पहले व्यक्ति को अपनी जन्मकुंडली का किसी अच्छे ज्योतिषी से विश्लेषण अवश्य करवा लेना चाहिए।
शेयर-मार्किट में सफलता के कुछ अन्य विशेष ग्रहयोग –
1. यदि कुंडली में पंचमेश पंचम भाव मेंही स्थित हो तो शेयर मार्किट से जुड़करलाभ प्राप्त होता है।
2.यदि पंचमेश (पंचम भाव कास्वामी) स्व या उच्च राशि में होकरशुभ स्थान में हो तो शेयर मार्किट मेंलाभ प्राप्त होता है।
3. यदि बली पंचमेश की पंचम भाव परदृष्टि हो तो यह भी शेयरमार्केट मेंसफलता दिलाता है।
4. पंचमेश का दशम या एकादश भावमें होना भी शेयर मार्किट से जुड़करलाभ कराता है।
5. यदि पंचमेश दशम भाव में औरदशमेश पंचम भाव में हो तो शेयरमार्किट से जुड़कर व्यक्ति लाभ प्राप्तकरता है।
6. यदि पंचमेश लाभ स्थान (ग्यारहवाभाव) में और लाभेश पंचम भाव में होतो व्यक्ति शेयर मार्किट से बहुत लाभकमाता है।
7. पंचमेश और धनेश का राशिपरिवर्तन भी शेयर मार्किट में अच्छेपरिणाम दिलाता है।
8. यदि लाभेश लाभ स्थान में हो यालाभेश की लाभ स्थान पर दृष्टि होतथा पंचमेश और पंचम भाव शुभस्थिति में हों तो भी शेयर मार्किट मेंअच्छा लाभ मिलता है।
9. पंचमेश का लाभेश या दशमेश केसाथ केंद्र – त्रिकोण में होना भी इसक्षेत्र से लाभ कराता है।
10. भाग्येश और पंचमेश का राशिपरिवर्तन भी शेयर मार्किट के लिएअच्छा योग है।
11. राहु का लाभ स्थान (ग्यारहवाभाव) में होना शेयर मार्किट के क्षेत्र केलिए सहायक होता है पर पंचम भावऔर पंचमेश शुभ स्थिति में होनेचाहियें।
12. यदि शुक्र स्व या उच्च राशि में होतथा पंचमेश शुभ स्थान (केंद्र–त्रिकोण) में हो तो यह भी शेयर मार्किटमें अच्छी सफलता दिलाता है।
13. राहु का उच्च राशि में होकर शुभ स्थान में बैठना भी व्यक्ति को आकस्मिक निर्णय लेने की अच्छी क्षमता देकर शेयर मार्किट के क्षेत्र में सहायक होता है।
14. राहु शुभ भाव में हो कुंडली के शुभकारक ग्रहों के प्रभाव में हो तथा किसी ग्रह के साथ कोई दुर्योग न बना रहा हो तो भी इस क्षेत्र के लिए सहायक होता है।
15.यदि आपकी कुंडली के दूसरे, चौथे, नौंवें और ग्यारहवें भाव में कोई शुभ ग्रह बैठा हो तो आपको शेयर मार्केट में सफलता मिलने की प्रबल संभावना है।
16. दूसरे, चौथे या नौवें भाव का स्वामी किसी शुभ स्थान में विराजमान हो और इनकी दृष्टि चंद्रमा पर पड़ रही हो।
ज्योतिष की नज़र से जानें स्टॉक मार्केट का खेल
17.दूसरे या नौंवें भाव का स्वामी चंद्रमा या बृहस्पति के साथ युति में ग्यारहवें घर में बैठा हो तो शेयर मार्केट में आपकी किस्मत चमक सकती है।
18. कुंडली में दूसरे भाव का स्वामी ग्यारहवें घर में और ग्यारहवें घर का स्वामी दूसरे घर में बैठा हो तो इस स्थिति में परिवर्तना योग का निर्माण होता है। जिस जातक की कुंडली में ये योग बन रहा हो उसे शेयर मार्केट में पैसा लगाने से दोगुना लाभ होता है।
19. यदि गुरु लग्न भाव में विराजमान हो और दूसरे, पांचवें और नौंवें घर के स्वामी की इस पर दृष्टि पड़ रही हो तो जातक को शेयर मार्केट में बहुत फायदा मिलता है।
Sunday, August 26, 2018
शेयर मार्केट में लाभ और हानि के ग्रह योग
Saturday, August 18, 2018
Medical Study, Medical Line and Astrology, Will I become Doctor ?
(Today I will discuss about the medical line. Students after clearing 10th, have 2 options. Whether to opt for Science or Arts/Commerce. If Science, then whether to choose A group or B group. Students are too much confused at this stage and parents have no clear idea what to do for their child. They seek the guidance from teachers or experts or friends but very rare go to Astrologer that what is the best academic line for their beloved smart child.)
Today we will focus on medical line as to who can be a Doctor who can go for para medical line in details. Also we will discuss whether MBBS ( Doctor ) BAMS ( Ayurvedacharya or Vaidya degree ) BHMS (Homeopath ) or BDS .
Always remember, In medical line, We have to focus on 6th house because 6th house is a store house of diseases, patients, medicines and health sector.
Now we will discuss the main conditions to go for medical line.
First of all we will know something about Venus in context of medical line. Venus is Shukracharya in mythology and Shukracharya had got such a 'MRIT SANJIVANY VIDYA' that He was giving new lives to all the demons who were killed in battles. Venus gives best knowlege of medicines. He can create miracles. Venus represents Dhanvantari or Ashwinikumaras.
1. Venus must be conected with Ascendant or Ascendant lord. Or Ascendant lord should be in Taurus or Libra. If not then, Venus must be in 6th house or in 12th house aspecting 6th house. Or 6th lord must be associated with Venus or in Taurus or Libra. So this way Venus connection with first or 6th house has maximum chance to become a successful Doctor if following conditions are also present in the chart.
2. Lord of 6th house should be either in 2nd hose (money), or in 10th house (profession or practice ) or in 11th (Income ) or in 8th house (aspecting 2nd house) or in 12th house (aspecting 6th house ).
3. Lord of 6th house is at 0 (zero) or 29 degree. This degree gives tremendous magnetic strength to the planet.
4. Lord of 6th house is either exalted or debilited in any house.
If any one of the above conditions from 2 to 4 is satisfied then opt for medical line undoubtedly.
Doctor's line is such a line that person has to dedicate maximum time to his work and he is dedicated to the society 24 hours and has to sacrify his personal family life. Saturn is the planet of service so Sun or Moon or Ascendant must be connected with Saturn. ( In most of the charts I have seen Saturn connected with Sun or Moon at very close degree and if not then Saturn is in Ascendant or 4th or 7th house.)
Mars/Ketu has connection with fast result and thereby Alopathy and operations/surgery.
Venus and Saturn has connection with Ayurveda. Venus is the planet of biology, various medical trees and plants, AUSHADHY and RAS VIDYA. Saturn prefers the old therapy with strong diet discipline.
Rahu is the planet of miracles, works at minute, subtle or microscopic level so Homeopathy is best selection for strong Rahu in Ascendant or 6th or 10th or with lord of first or 6th.
Dentistry is connected with 2nd house so if Ascendant lord or 6th lord is in 2nd and if 2nd house is strong then DENTAL line is preferable.
One more thing I would like to mention here is that fees of MBBS line is very very high and all parents can not afford the expense in lakhs of rupees for full course of 5 years. Sometime student is very smart clever and ranker but due to bad transit or dasha at the time of 12th examination, percentage are below 80/85 so they have to opt for BDS or BAMS or BHMS or Physiotherapy .
Also demands of Dental surgeons and Physiotherapists is much more in foreign countries so those students who wish to settle abroad prefer Dental or Physiotherapy.
Mars if connected with Venus makes expert in Chemistry and Pharmacuticals so if medical line is not possible due to percentage or heavy expense, then prefer B.Pharm degree.
In next post we will discuss whether to go for Surgical branch or Non surgical branch.
Whether to go for Clinical line or non clinical line.
And also detailed analysis whether to go for Radiology, Pediatric, Skin , Ophthalmology, Gynaecology, Cardiology, Orthopedic, Neurology, Nephrology etc etc.
(This post is after studying so many charts of Doctors, Surgeons, Vaidyas and Homeopaths so please read this carefully.)
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Every female has the earnest desire to get motherhood or have a child in her laps after marriage. Every couple wants to enjoy 1 or 2 years without a child but after 2 years, parents are worried and they desire pregnancy. When 3 years passes without pregnancy then female herself is more worried about conception. Here starts medical check up and all treatments.
If scorpio or 8th house is afflicted with the malefic planets like Mars, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu then sperm count is low and motility is also weak in the male sperm report. If scorpio or 8th house is afflicted in the female chart then there is a problem with fallopian tubes or follicles problems in the ovaries. Remember only one malefic planet will not harm much but two malefics do affect. Ketu plays major role.
After some treatment if there is no result then Doctor advises for IVF or IN VITRO FERTILISATION.
What is IVF and how it is done ? Let us understand first.
Before IVF procedure the uterus is checked through Microscope to check the condition of ovaries and growth of follicles. Also the inside wall of the uterus. If follicles are not developed then hormones injection is given. If everything is ok then eggs are taken from follicles through catheter. The eggs and few drops of sperm are processed in a glass tube called Vitro. This is a micro process and done in special laboratory at a very low temperature.
After few days when embryo is ready it is planted in the Uterus again. Thats it.
The whole procedure is very costly. It costs One lac to 2 lac. If the fertilisation is not done in Vitro and fails then this huge money will be wasted and again new IVF date will be given by Doctors.
Here comes the Astrology. Every female has certain fertile days in a month. Now we have to take the help of astrological science and choose the most fertile day. For this we have to refer the rules and watch the transit of Moon. We will decide this from the female chart.
Note the Nakshatra of Lagna. Note the 7th, 14th and 21st Nakshatra also from this. So total 4 Nakshatras we have noted in the Lagna group.
Note the Nakshatra of Moon. Note the 14th Nakshatra from this Moon Nakshatra also. So total 2 Nakshatra in Moon group.
Now note the Nakshatra of Sun as per Sun's degree. Note the 14th Nakshatra from this. Total 2 Nakshatra in Sun group.
Total 8 Nakshatras are capable to create pregnancy. Sometime what happens that Some Nakshatras are common in all these 3 group so in that case there can be only 6 or 7 Nakshatras. Also remember that Common Nakshatra if any in the 2 or 3 group then that Nakshatra is most fertile for that lady.
Now as per menstruation cycle we have to note the date of MC. Leave 6 days after MC date. From 7th day to 23rd day we have to search the Nakshatra from the above list. The day on which one of the above listed Nakshatras is found we have to select that date for IVF.
But some important points we have to remember while choosing the Nakshatra.
Ketu should not be in that Nakshatra at the time of IVF. It may create miscarriage sometime.
If Rahu is in that Nakshatra at the time of IVF, then chances are there, that a soul of ex family member may enter the embryo later when foetus stage is developed. Rahu opens the door for the souls who are willing to enter the foetus due to their strong desire to take birth in the same family.
Saturn on that Nakshatra should also be avoided. Because when Moon touches that Nakshatra, Vish Yoga or Punarphoo dosha will be there so development of Embryos will be slow and child will be weak.
If Jupiter is aspecting Moon that day then be rest assured that IVF will be successful and healthy child will be born.
So this way we have to consider so many things to decide the date of natural conception and also IVF.
Also before deciding the IVF month we have to check the position of the planets after 9 months in the chart of husband and wife and confirm whether hereditary planets are repeated in the child or not. Because a child is born with the support of parents chart so certain combinations will be common in the child.
I have guided so many couples in past who had no child even after 6 7 years marriage and got result through natural conception and also through IVF by just following perfect time schedule as per both charts and applying above rules. ( But before doing all the calculations I always check KP horary that whether child birth is confirmed or not especially in much delayed cases. )
Astrology is a great science like medical science but no research work is done on progeny matters.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
House connected with Planet and Planet connected with House
1. A planet connected with another planet
a. Suppose Jupiter occupies Capricorn or Aquarius; or
b. It is in the star or sub of Saturn; or
c. It is in conjunction or association with or aspected by Saturn.
Then it may be said that Jupiter is connected with Saturn.
2. A planet connected with any house
a. Suppose Jupiter is the owner or Star lord or Sub lord of the ascending degree (the cusp of the 1st house or Ascendant); or
b. It occupies the 1st house; or
c. It aspects the 1st house; or
d. It is in the star or sub of the occupant o f the 1st house: or
e. It is in the star or sub of the owner of the 1st house: or
f. It is in conjunction or association with or aspected by the owner of the 1st house.
Then it may be said that Jupiter is connected with the 1st house.
3. A house or its owner connected with the house 6, 8 or 12.
a. If the owner of 6, 8 or 12 occupies or aspects the 4th house; or
b. If the owner of the 4th occupies the house 6, 8 or 12; or
c. It is in the star of the owner of the house 6, 8 or 12; or
d. It is in conjunction or association with or aspected by the owner of the house 6, 8 or 2.
Then it may be said that the owner of the 4th is connected with the house 6, 8 or 12. Thus the term ‘Connected with in any manner' is very wide in its meaning.