Stationery Planet in Astrology
We know that a moving planet goes under retrogression (Vakri) from time to time. This retrogression is an optical illusion and the planet appears to be going backwards with respect to its background. Now every planet moves in their orbit with a particular angular velocity and it appears to change when observed from Earth. The normal motion of the planet is called as direct while otherwise it is called retro. When any planet is about to change it state from direct to retro, there comes a phase where its velocity slows down very much and approaches zero before it changes it direction (negative velocity). This phase when a planet appears to be stand still (not moving) is known as Stationary phase.
Now this Stationary phase can be of two types. When it is going from direct to retro then that stationary phase is known as retro stationary. When it going from retro to direct, then the direct stationary. This stationary phase time is different for all the planets and dependent on the time of retrogression of the planet. For Mercury this can be 3-4 days, for Venus about a week and for Mars, Jupiter and Saturn it could be about 2 weeks. Any planet in stationary phase becomes very interesting and can be a life changing planet and a game changer. It can change us inside out or can change our circumstances against all odd. Eg President Donald Trump has stationary Jupiter in his chart, and at the time of elections his Jupiter MD was to start.
Identifying a stationary planet could be a tricky thing as usually it is not given in most of the software and reports and it is generally mentioned as direct or retro only. But if you know JHora then you can easily see the stationary planet in your chart. Just see the latitude/speed and if you see any negative sign in Lon Speed column then that planet is stationary.
I am observing and studying Stationary planet since quite some time, so if you have any stationary planet in your chart then kindly contact me. I want to study few charts of common people who have stationary planets and what effects it is having in their life.
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