
Sunday, June 17, 2018

The Secret of Tara Bala

The Secret of Tara Bala
Tara Bala is a strength provided by daily star(Muhurtha Nakshatra ) to your Birth star(Janma Nakshatra). The Star occupied by moon at the time of your birth is known as Birth star(Janma Nakshatra). The Star occupied by moon at the time of Muhurtha is known as Daily Star(Muhurtha Nakshatra ). Daily motion of moon from your janma nakshatra decides this strength. As moon transists into different stars it becomes favorable or unfavorable to your birth star. To calculate Tara Bala one must calculate position of daily nakshatra from your Janma nakshatra. If the count is 2-4-6-8-11-13-15-17-20-22-24-26 then it is favorable (Tara Bala is present). If the count is 3-5-7-12-14-16-21-23-25 then it is unfavorable. If the count is 1-10-19-9-18-27 then it is medium.
The stars are classified in to three categories
Aswini-Magha-Moola-Aslesha-Jyestha-Revathi are called end point stars.(1-10-19-9-18-27 )
Krittika-Uttarapahlguni-Uttarashada-Mrigashirsh-Chitta-Dhanishta Punarvasu-Visakha-Poorvabhadrapada are called broken stars.(3-5-7-12-14-16-21-23-25)
Bharani-Poorvaphalguni-Poorvaashada- Rohini-Hasta-Shravana-Arudra-Swathi-Sathabisha-Pushya-Anuradha-Uttarabhadrapada are called unbroken stars.(2-4-6-8-11-13-15-17-20-22-24-26)
It is evident that the concept of
Tara Bala is taken from the above classification.

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