
Wednesday, April 18, 2018



The simple answer is from all planets! But we can’t write articles from all planets so it is predominantly written for one sign and most astrologers recommend using it from the Moon sign. I always get this question if transit to be seen from Moon or lagna or Surya. This article tries to address this holistically!

Yes, the desires of a person play a huge part in the way the person goes about their business. Desires drives behaviors and actions /karma and hence the outcome. What we got by birth was our destiny (lagna and planets as per lagna) and we make out of them depends on the desires (Moon). Moon is emotions, desires and the fastest sign changing planet. Hence it becomes first and foremost when it comes to transit of other planets from your moon sign. However, let us say that the destiny of a person shown by lagna-chart is very strong good or bad both. Then it would be worthwhile to also check the transits by Lagna-rashi. If the chart is strong by Surya rashi then even that becomes important.

What makes a Sign more powerful or strong: Planets in the 3 5 9 11 houses makes a sign in your horoscope very strong whether it occupies a planet or not! :) For example, Sinvha rashi was very powerful when I was born but I have nothing in the Sinvha rashi! :) Incidentally my name turned out to be as per Sinvha rashi! :) And total 18 mysteriously without intentions (my life-path number).

Following are the scenarios where Lagna-Rashi should be considered for transits:

1.     When majority of the planets are 3 5 7 9 11 to Lagna and NOT Moon then the lagna-rashi will become prominent for transits

2.     When Sun or Lagnesh (owner of the first house) is in the First house – means double / triple impact on one sign.

3.     When Chandra-Swami or Surya-Swami planets or both is in the lagna-rashi!

4.     When moon is in the 5th or 9th house then either of the sign is fine as they are so much in sync! Greatest people have moon in the 1st 5th or the 9thhouse as it shows destiny and desires are n sync and hence efforts are much more focused and channeled!

5.     When Moon is in the 8th or 6th house but there are planets 5th 7th or 3rd 11th to moon then BOTH Moon and Lagna transits should be checked.

6.     If there are multiple planets in the first house (not Sun or Moon) – then also lagna becomes very important.

7.     Numerology Supporting Lagna more than Chandra. Say Lagna Kanya and Chandra in Kumbh. And Bdate of 5 14 23 would make lagna more active. Or say Mesh Lagna and Kanya rashi and Birthdate of 9 18 27 – Mesh lagna becomes important too.

8.     The HEALTH aspects are predominantly experienced from Lagna and lesser from Chandra.

It could be also said with a lot of accuracy that childhood Destiny drives us a lot as we are not independent. So Lagna becomes very important as most of the actions are done by others by the age of say 5/6 etc! Chandra and Mangal start ruling a lot more when we start running around and start going to school. In this initial period both Lagna and Chandra/Mangal impact us quite a bit. A bit more say age of 9/10 and we are fully in DESIRES mode! :) And We mostly stay in that mode for the rest of the life until we start career (say age of 20/22) when Surya starts becoming very important. We behave as per Sun Sign in the office (outward display) and we act or SHOW the moon sign (emotions) at home a lot.

However, all said and done our desires which means MOON which also we use to calculate Vinshottari Mahadasha Antardasha for all planets (& not lagna) is very very important for transits. Yes no planets 3 5 9 11 to moon and a lot of planets 3 5 7 11 to Lagna then lagna does become loaded for transits! Even in that case one must check transits from Moon as your desires decide your happiness index and not what others feel how you are doing!! :)

[B] Transits (Gochar) Thoughts: Weekly Monthly Annual Articles's Good and Bad Results for you.

You might need to see good results from one sign and bad results from another one! Please check below.

(1) If you have more planets 1 3 5 7 9 11 from Chandra then good results of transits (Weekly/Monthly/Annual) will be seen from Chandra (Moon).

(2) If Ascendant/Rising has more planets 1 3 5 7 9 11 then good results will be seen from Ascendant (rising-sign/lagna-rashi)

(3) if planets are 1 4 7 10 from Chandra then stressful and chaotic and problematic transits will be seen from Moon more. The same applies to rising-sign/lagna-rashi. If planets are 1 4 7 10 from Lagna/rising then bad/chaotic stuff will be seen from lagna more so.

(3B) 1 and 7 (means with or opposite moon/rising will also increase good results and bad results BOTH)

So you at times would need to see good results from one sign and bad results from another if you have such formations! Say Moon has planets 5 9 and Moon is in the 12 4 6 or 8 houses! :) Then good results from moon and bad results from lagna/rising will be seen more! :)

Usually a chart is mixed of both. But sometimes you wonder that bad results are easily seen from Moon but good results are not coming your way from Moon! :) Reason could be 1 3 5 7 11 planets from Lagna and 1 4 7 10 more from Chandra or more so 4 and 10 from Lagna! :) :)

Especially, planets 5 9 from lagna-rising/Chandra give great results in transits from lagna/Chandra. Especially, planets in 4 10 and give bad results of transits more so as they are from Chandra/Rising.

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