
Friday, December 2, 2016

Mahabhagya yoga and astrology

Mahabhagya yoga, and Adhama,Sama, and Varishtha yoga are required to be considered.

In case of Mahabhagya Yoga, the native comes closer to power center for he is liked by the ruling authority;happy,having meritorious sons, enjoying comforts and luxuries, long lived well read and wise.

As regards Mahabhagya yoga, it  is formed in case of male if (a) birth takes place during day time,and if  (b ) Lagna,(c) the Moon, and (d) the Sun all are in Purusha Nakshatras(Hasta, Punarvasu, Shravana, Abhijit, Pushya, Anuradha, Ashwini, Poorvabhadrapada, and Uttar Bhadrapada are Purusha / male  Nakshatras)

According to Dr. B.V. Raman , the sun, the moon, and the Lagna should be in odd signs for Mahabhagya Yoga in case of males.Dr. B.V. Raman has made no reference to Nakshatras.

In case of females, if (a) birth takes place during night and (b)  Lagna, (c) the Moon and  (d) the Sun are in female Nakshatras,  ( say Bharani,  Kruttika, Rohini, Aridra, Ashlesha, Magha, Poorva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Chitra, Swati, Vishakha, Jyestha, Poorvashadha, Uttarashadha, Dhanishtha, and Revati are female Nakashtras.) Mahabhagya Yoga is formed

Dr Raman has also mentioned in this regard and was of the opinion that apart from birth of a female at night time,Lagna, the moon and the Sun must be in Stree Rasis. This  Mahabhagya Yoga as mentioned by Dr.B.V.Raman was found in the chart of Mrs Indira  Gandhi.

However for evaluating its benefic impact rules mentioned earlier relating to Pancha  Mahapurusha Yogas must be applied.

(Mrugshira,, Moola, Shatbhishaj are Napumsaka nakashatras).

This yoga should be assessed  in the light of instruction given earlier.

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