
Sunday, June 17, 2018



Today we will discuss about Sign and Navamsha. Navamsha has been given more importance in Hindu astrology. Whether a planet is strong or weak will be decided by its Navamsha position only. How to understand all this ? Let us discuss.

You know that each planet is either exalted or debilitated or either in his friend Sign or enemy Sign in a particular house or bhava at birth time. The same way either alone or with his friend or with enemy in a Sign. Ok ?

Now what is Navamsha ? In Hindu vedic astrology each Sign is divided into 9 parts and each part is of 3°20'. This 9th part is called Navamsha.

Now imagine that Sign is a house or home alloted to a Planet at birth time by the Destiny to stay till the death of the native. Exalted and own sign means luxurius house. Friendly Sign means good house where planet can be happy. Debilited and unfriendly sign means a house with very less comforts and facilities. Conjuction means sharing a house peacefully if friends, and constant fighting if enemy to each other.
Each house has 9 bed rooms and each Planet is allotted a bedroom either individual or in sharing. This is Navamsha position. House may be good or uncomfortable but if the personal bedroom is luxurious or with all facilities then the Planet is happy and he has no complaint with house.

Remember Navamsha position is more important to give strength to the planet. Final strength is decided by Navamsha. If a planet is in same Sign and same Navamsha then it means that he is getting VIP treatment in the house he lives. And the Planet gives best result to the native. We call the Planet vargottami.

In short, a Planet in own Sign or exalted Sign or in exchange with other Planet gets good strength to give the best result in life !

To conclude only two examples are enough.

Amitabh bachchan ji has Aquarius ascendant and lord of 2nd (financial status) and 11th (income) is Jupiter who is exalted in Sign as well as Navamsha, so strong vargottami too !!! What an income and financial status !!...

The main chart of Virat Kohli, the best Cricket Player seems to be average but if we see the Navamsha Chart, 5 Planets have got strength in Navamsha.

Remember that Navamsha position is more important to prosper in life. Whatever the strength we see in main D1 chart is of no use if Navamsha D9 is weak.

Navamsha is our inner life. This chart has some Karmic connection. Your nature also has much to do with this chart. Your inner conscious is connected with this chart. Your 5 senses and sub conscious mind is more directed by your Navamsha combinations. Your liking and disliking has much to do with your Navamsha chart. Will Power will also be seen from this chart.

Main D1 chart shows your external environment and circumstances. But what you feel, what you like or what you react will be as per your D9 chart. The Planets in Navamsha gives you inner strength or weakness as per their strength !

I remember one young man whose Mars was in Taurus in main chart and there was no connection with Mercury and still he was a brilliant Software Engineer. Why he liked and selected Information Technology ? I checked his Navamsha. Oh !! He was born in Gemini Navamsha Lagna (Ascendant) and Mercury was in Aries and Mars was in Gemini Navamsha. What a skilled exchange !!!

The planet if exalted and also become vargottami then he is very very strong. If a planet debilitated and also vargottami then he becomes more weak and fails to give desired result. But if this planet is the lord of 6th or 8th or 12th house then such weak planet is a good sign because such planet can not do much harm being a weak planet.

If Lagna is vargottami then you can live long with good sound health and achieve your desired things in life.

Generally we see the transit of planets in the main D1 chart but to see the accurate or precise result we must see the transit in Navamsha chart.

Suppose your Moon is in Aries rashi (sign) and in Gemini Navamsha. If Saturn is transiting in Sagittarius then you will think that Saturn is in 9th house and will give good result but in Sagittarius 3rd Navamsha is Gemini so when Saturn will transit 6°40' to 10° then it will be in Gemini Navamsha so your Moon will be affected like Sadasati during those months. This way transit on Navamsha planets will give precise result.

Now let us understand this through the famous chart of Amitabh Bachchan.
He is born in Aquarius Lagna in Libra Navamsha. Lagnesh Saturn in Taurus in 4th house but in Gemini Navamsha goes to 5th house with exalted Rahu. 5th house is of entertainment field. Rahu connection with lord of Lagna lifted him like anything as Rahu is a Maya.
Navamsha Lagna is Libra and Venus though seems debilitated in 8th house in main chart is in Taurus, his own sign in Navamsha goes to 4th house in main chart.

Venus creates Artists, Dancers, Singers, Musicians, Poets and like. His Sun is in Virgo in 8th Sign but in Leo in Navamsha goes to 7th house. This gave him too much fame, love and respect. His Moon is in Libra in 9th but goes to Capricorn in 12th and makes health delicate with many disease.

On the day of his fatal accident in July 1982 his Ketu with Sun were in Virgo Navamsha in 8th house.

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