
Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Mr. Vijay Mallya Birth Horoscpoe as per Vedic Astrology.

We all know Mr. Vijay Mallya. No more introduction is necessary here.
Will focus on why he became billionaire and why this much downfall from 2016 on astrological point of view.

Vijay Mallya is born on 18 December 1955 at 11.36 am at Bantwal Karnataka. Vargottami Aquarius lagna is rising. Rahu the king maker is with Lagnesh Saturn in 10th house and also in lagna in Navamansh chart.  Rahu is  dominating his nature and wealth.

Mallya started prospering from the age of 28 when Rahu dasha was on. But Jupiter dasha made him billionaire as Jupiter is the lord of 2nd and 11th house and placed in Leo Sign in 7th house, the house of business. Jupiter and Sun,  both have exchanged their Signs.  By exchanging the Signs Sun has transferred his energy to 7th house and Jupiter has transferred his energy to 11th house. This is a best mutual agreement between the two planets. Jupiter's  energy in 11th created so many sources of income.

Also Venus, a yoga karak planet for Aquarius Ascendant is placed in 11th house and is Vargottami. Over and above in Navamansha chart  Sun and Moon are exalted  and  Mercury  is in Gemini.

The above planetary placement made him like a king and owner of Kingfisher Airlines. Due to powerful Moon in the aspect of Mars his main business was Liquor

Now let us talk about Saturn,  the lord of Ascendant in 10th with Rahu in Scorpio Sign.  Rahu gave him extravagent lifestyle. Extra marital relations and all. Vijay Mallya was blessed by his planets and was enjoying the heavenly days till 2012. Saturn in 10th gives rise and fall both. From 2003 to 2012 Saturn dasha lifted him and  same dasha gave downfall from 2013 also.

From January 2013 he entered Sun sub period in Saturn main period. Sun and Saturn dasha antar dasha always creates problems. His downfall or reversal started from 2013 and continued till today.

He left India in March 2016 when Sun Ketu joined in lagna squaring his natal Saturn in 10th.  Indian Govt is trying to arrest him through Interpol but not yet succeeded. IncomeTax, CBI, ED all are behind him in India.

What will happen ? Whether he will be arrested ? Let see.

He is running Saturn/Rahu dasha. Rahu is in 6th so protecting him. But at the same time he is passing through Sadesati. Saturn is over his natal Sun so Saturn will sure open the way to arrest him by end of 2018 or after February 2019 once Rahu is moved to Gemini. Latest before 15th July 2019 he will be arrested.

Let us focus on the end of 2018. Sun will enter Scorpio on 17th November and will move forward towards Saturn and Rahu seated there in natal chart.

To my view VIJAY MALLYA  MAY BE ARRESTED  BETWEEN 20  NOVEMBER  to 10 DECEMBER 2018 and especially either on 23rd NOVEMBER or on 9th DECEMBER 2018. ( If this period fails then sure before 15th of July 2019.)

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